Welcome to the class website for Ling 390, “History of English.” From here, you can access the syllabus, (password-protected) readings, slides from class, and weekly assignments.
Course Description
4 hours; 4 credits. How the sounds, grammar, spelling, and words of English came to be the way they are. For English majors and minors, this is designated as a linguistics course. NOTE: Not open to students who have already completed ENL 425. Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites: ENG151. Requirement Designation: Regular Liberal Arts.
Class Meeting
Wednesdays, 6:30–9:50, 2N-002
Office Hours
- Wednesdays, 5:30–6:30, 2S-225 (in-person)
- Email me to set up remote office hours for another day/time. Please include “Ling 390” in the subject line of any emails to me.